Each plan set includes the following:
- Coversheet: This is an artist's rendering of the finished home. This is used as a visual aid, but it is not needed for construction.
- Exterior Elevations: The exterior elevations provide exterior views of the house and call out the exterior finish materials, such as siding, stucco, brick, stone, etc. This page also shows roof pitches and materials, and decorative elements, such as columns and window shutters. Sometimes window and door sizes are also shown here.
- Floor Plans: The floor plan shows how each room is laid out on each floor of the house. In most cases, the floor plan will include wall sizes, room dimensions, notes about ceiling design, window and door locations and sizes, and other structural layout notes and details.
- Foundation Plan:This page provides a detailed foundation drawing, including the thickness of the foundation walls, how the foundation is built, footing and wall placement, Rebar schedule, as well as other construction notes and details. This page may also include a floor framing plan.
- Cross Sections: Cross sections are views from the top to the bottom of the house plan showing structural details related to the construction of the home. They will show the composition of the foundation, interior and exterior walls, roof, floor and stair details. They also show rooflines, ceiling heights, and the relationships between floors. Cross sections may be on a separate page or on various pages throughout the home plan.
- Interior Elevations: The interior elevations show built-in features of a house plan, such as kitchen cabinets, fireplaces, built-in bookshelves and desks, vanities, moldings, and hand rails.
- Basic Electric:This page shows the locations of outlets, switches, and fixtures. It may be on a separate page, or located on the floor plan page.
- Simple Plumbing: This page shows the locations of the bathtubs, showers, toilets, and sinks. This may be found on the floor plan, or it might be on a separate page.
- Details: This page includes the structural details for the construction of the house.
These items are NOT included:
- Architectural or Engineering Stamp - handled locally if required
- Site Plan - handled locally when required
- Mechanical Drawings (location of heating and air equipment and duct work) - your subcontractors handle this
- Plumbing Drawings (drawings showing the actual plumbing pipe sizes and locations) - your subcontractors handle this
- Energy calculations - handled locally when required